понедельник, 20 мая 2024 г.

Serge Moskalenko. About Big Bang.

Serge  Moskalenko                              

 About Big Bang.

The Big Bang is not an event. It's more like crystallization from a saturated solution.

The Big Bang is a metaphor that scientists use to describe the evolution of the Universe. But the very concepts of "emergence," "expansion," and "the first nanoseconds" are not quite accurate.

Because in the singularity, time and space did not exist. Both appeared almost instantly. But this is a description from within the newly emerged time and space. So we are looking into a curved, distorted mirror.

Crystallization of the Universe from a solution supersaturated with quantum probabilities.

It's like:

The appearance of frost patterns on a window.

A kaleidoscope.

Instant freezing of supercooled water from a jolt.

Step-by-step diffuse reproduction of an image by a "drawing" AI.

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