понедельник, 20 мая 2024 г.

Serge Moskalenko. About Big Bang.

Serge  Moskalenko                              

 About Big Bang.

The Big Bang is not an event. It's more like crystallization from a saturated solution.

The Big Bang is a metaphor that scientists use to describe the evolution of the Universe. But the very concepts of "emergence," "expansion," and "the first nanoseconds" are not quite accurate.

Because in the singularity, time and space did not exist. Both appeared almost instantly. But this is a description from within the newly emerged time and space. So we are looking into a curved, distorted mirror.

Crystallization of the Universe from a solution supersaturated with quantum probabilities.

It's like:

The appearance of frost patterns on a window.

A kaleidoscope.

Instant freezing of supercooled water from a jolt.

Step-by-step diffuse reproduction of an image by a "drawing" AI.

Serge Moskalenko. Пара слов о Большом Взрыве.


Serge  Moskalenko.                                

Пара слов о Большом Взрыве.

Большой Взрыв — это не событие. Это скорее кристаллизация из насыщенного раствора.

Большой Взрыв — это метафора, которую используют ученые для описания эволюции Вселенной. Но само понятие «возникновение», «расширение», «первые наносекунды» — это не совсем то.

Потому что в сингулярности отсутствовали время и пространство. И то и другое появилось как бы мгновенно. Но это описание изнутри только что возникших времени и пространства. Так что мы смотрим в кривое, вывернутое зеркало.

Кристаллизация Вселенной из раствора, перенасыщенного квантовыми вероятностями.

Это как:

Появление морозного узора на окне.


Мгновенное замерзание переохлажденной воды от встряски.

Пошаговое диффузное воспроизведение изображения «рисующим» ИИ.

пятница, 10 ноября 2023 г.

A few heartfelt words about the Humane project before its...

The metaphor behind @Humane is both clear and beautiful: humanity shouldn't be fenced off, but remain truly human. It's about receiving more than flat images or even high-resolution pictures with color represented by floating-point numbers. It's about receiving MORE as a human – hints, signs, guidance – while still doing the rest yourself. Unfortunately, it seems the device hit current technological limitations: battery capacity, clarity, and brightness of the mini-projector, and processor power. It's a normal and stage-like phenomenon. It's a shame that due to the lack of commercial success, this project is likely to fade into obscurity. Yet, the idea is great. I wish for a mix with this project (including some of my suggestions): https://is.gd/fXGbSp

Furthermore, I'd like to see a range of devices. For example, a form factor resembling Bluetooth earphones could work for me, but with a camera and a laser pointer instead of a projector, to reduce costs. It could connect via Bluetooth to my smartphone, where an app is already installed...

Perhaps this could be another startup? I'd gladly join or even lead such an initiative with enthusiasm.

воскресенье, 5 ноября 2023 г.

I see radiant prospects for the project with just a minor adjustment in the direction of research efforts, offering almost an "instant" period of returns on investment and audience engagement.

My thoughts and feelings about the project:  https://propheticai.co/


🧠 🧠 🧠 

Hello, friends!

This technology has great potential, with a perspective of reaching THOUSANDS of times more people than the audience of lucid dreaming.

Human beings have immense potential, their brains are amazing, but they lack a personal mentor or even a small material guardian angel, a personal guru who would timely slap them with a "bamboo stick" or "whisper in their ear" a suitable koan...

Such a helper is needed by literally everyone: those who learn new languages or sciences, meditators, inventors and artists, and even just anyone who wants to remember something or change an obsessive emotion or state.

Human consciousness has a quantum gradation, from the lower, almost animal, level to the upper stages of enlightenment and radiant mind. But everyone can choose what they need.

Lucid Dreams? No, much more: Licid Life, Lucid Being, Lucid Times...

And most importantly: the data array for focusing attention, relaxation, etc. is thousands of times larger than for Lucid Dreams. Using data transmission over the internet, the data sources can be tens and hundreds of thousands of users, who in return will receive new trained models over the internet, including their data.


Serge Moskalenko 

вторник, 13 сентября 2022 г.

It's just a tetrahedron. ⚫️ Black secret rules of programming. 🖥 #dev #programming #kyiv #ukraine

Тайные тропы выводят на площадь

⚫️ Black secret rules of programming. 🖥 #dev #programming #kyiv #ukraine

У каждой тайны есть свои скелеты в шкафу

четверг, 9 июня 2022 г.

🌸 Flower rainbow. 🌈

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